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Asset: Location Mods

The character has regular access to a location with useful properties(mods).

Each point in this asset grants 1 point to spend on mods, see below.

Location asset mods generally require a character to be in/near the location to gain their benefit.

As with all assets, there are no pre-reqs for assets.  For example, Place of Power 3 can be purchased without Place of Power 1 or 2.  Multiple purchases of Place of Power do not stack with each other on the same location, but could be used for another location; this goes for all location mods.


Location Mods List


Location Area

Cost: Variable

This mod expands the geographic region that the location covers.  This mod can be rated from 1-12.  Use the table below for guidance on the geographic size of the location per rating point.  Each point of Location Area rating costs 1 Location Mod point.

RatingArea Examples
0A closet
1A small home
2A mansion
3A warehouse
4~50 acres of land
5~200 acres of land
6~800 acres of land
7~a mid-sized city
8~a large city
9~a whole county
10~a whole state
11~a region including several states
12~a whole country


Place of Power

Rating 1

Cost: 1

Add 1 to your [Potency] attribute rating while within the location.  This effects energy pools and powers that grant bonuses based on [Potency] attribute rating.

Rating 2

Cost: 3

Add 2 to your [Potency] attribute rating while within the location.  This effects energy pools and powers that grant bonuses based on [Potency] attribute rating.

Rating 3

Cost: 6

Add 3 to your [Potency] attribute rating while within the location.  This effects energy pools and powers that grant bonuses based on [Potency] attribute rating.



Fortifications grant defensive bonuses to those within the fortified location.

In this game system, fortifications are impossibly resilient against damage that would (in real life) destroy the fortifications completely.  This is a common trope in popular fiction, and we’re preserving it intentionally in this system.  It is still possible to destroy fortifications, but only certain powers can do it.

Rating 1

Cost: 1

Grants light cover to those within.

Rating 2

Cost: 3

Grants heavy cover to those within.

Rating 3

Cost: 5

Grants total cover to those within.


Themed Location

Cost: 1

Your location has a theme.  Choose a theme when you buy this mod.  A water themed location might have a pool with big lily pads you can float on.  A fire themed location might be the inside of a volcano.  A technology themed location will have all kinds of electronics & gadgets.

Locations with this mod always count as fulfilling the thematic restriction power limiter for the chosen theme.  See the thematic restrictions power limiter for more details.


Magical Garrison

Rating 1

Cost: 3

The location has a garrison which is able to fight near to (and within) the location, and able to patrol & scout a reasonable area (as defined by the GM) outside the location.  This garrison is not made up of normal human soldiers.  Instead, it is made up of automata, spirits, zombies, or similarly magical forces.  The garrison does not require food, drink, etc.  The garrison is semi-sentient, and able to take commands from the recognized owner (or their lieutenants) of the location.

The GM & Player work together to find or create an appropriate statblock for the garrison.  The garrison has a troop strength rating of 3.

You may garrison additional human troops here, but they will need food, water, etc.

Magical Garrison does not require the owner to be within the magic location to be functional.  The garrison will defend the location regardless of their master’s whereabouts.

Rating 2

Cost: 5

As Magical Garrison 1, but with a troop strength rating of 5.


Spirit Warded Location

Cost: 2

Spirits cannot casually pass through the walls, doors, or windows of this location.  Spirits have all the same issues as physical bodies do in gaining access to the location.  They must infiltrate, attack, demolish, or take similar actions to gain access.


Secure Location

Rating 1

Cost: 1

+3 modifier to Awareness rolls against attempts to infiltrate the location.

Rating 2

Cost: 3

+6 modifier to Awareness rolls against attempts to infiltrate the location.

Rating 3

Cost: 6

+9 modifier to Awareness rolls against attempts to infiltrate the location.


Bigger On The Inside

The location has a larger internal volume than it’s external volume.

Cost: 3

Create or choose an exterior location.  Pay for the exterior location’s area as normal.

Create or choose an interior location.  Pay for the interior location’s area,

Other mods purchased for this location can be applied to both the interior and exterior area with no additional cost.  You may also purchase mods separately for the interior and exterior locations.


Communications Dead Zone

Rating 1

Cost: 1

The location has 1 room or chamber that has a permanent comms dead zone.  No comms get in or out.

Rating 2

Cost: 2

As much of the location as you want is a permanent comms dead zone.  No comms get in or out.  You can make exceptions to any rooms or chambers you wish.  The comms dead zone layout you choose for your location is sort of permanent; changing it is a project of a few weeks work.

Rating 3

Cost: 3

The location has a permanent comms dead zone, but you and your organization have encryption methods that allow you to both send and receive comms.


Self-Sustaining/Siege Proof

Cost: 2

The location generates its own food & water, sufficient for as many people as you can squeeze in there.


Mobile Location

Mobile locations can move…slowly.  They effectively cannot move during combat.  They are not vehicles, and cannot be used with the pilot skill or its linked powers.

Aerial Mobile Location

Cost: 12

The location flies through the air.  It does not do so quickly.  It moves at a walking speed for a normal human.

Ground Mobile Location

Cost: 8

The location moves across the ground.  It does not do so quickly.  It moves at a walking speed for a normal human.

Aquatic Mobile Location

Cost: 5

The location floats on top of water.  It does not do so quickly.  It moves at a walking speed for a normal human.

Hidden Location

The location is difficult to see & find.  It could be in the underground sewers of a city,  inside a cave, a hollowed out asteroid, a well-concealed valley, etc.

Cost: 3

The location is well hidden.  No one who isn’t looking for it will ever find it.  Those who are looking for it must follow someone back to it in order to find it.

Cost: 6

The location is so miraculously hidden that even if someone follows you back to it, they will not find it.  You will somehow disappear as they follow you, making finding the location utterly hopeless.


Negative Location Mods

Negative Location Mods are not available for purchase at character creation.  These mods exist as a tool for GMs to use when creating very bad places.


Negative Place of Power

Rating 1

Cost: -1

Subtract 1 to your [Potency] attribute rating while within the location.  This effects energy pools and powers that grant bonuses based on [Potency] attribute rating.

Rating 2

Cost: -3

Subtract 2 from your [Potency] attribute rating while within the location.  This effects energy pools and powers that grant bonuses based on [Potency] attribute rating.

Rating 3

Cost: -6

Subtract 3 from your [Potency] attribute rating while within the location.  This effects energy pools and powers that grant bonuses based on [Potency] attribute rating.



Rating 1

Cost: -1

Grants Light Cover to those attacking location.

Rating 2

Cost: -3

Grants Heavy Cover to those attacking location.

Rating 3

Cost: -5

Grants total cover to those attacking location.



Rating 1

Cost: -3

This functions as Garrison 1, but instead of defending the location and people within it, the garrison attacks the people within the location.

Rating 2

Cost: -5

This functions as Garrison 2, but instead of defending the location and people within it, the garrison attacks the people within the location.


Insecure Location

Rating 1

Cost: -1

+3 Bonus to Stealth attempts to enter the location.

Rating 1

Cost: -3

+6 Bonus to Stealth attempts to enter the location.

Rating 2

Cost: -6

+9 Bonus to Stealth attempts to enter the location.


Hollow Location

Rating 1

Cost: -2

The location has deleterious effects on those within it.  They do not regenerate energy when resting.

Rating 2

Cost -5

The location has deleterious effects on those within it.  They do not regenerate energy when resting.  Additionally, they lose 1 energy per hour spent in this location.


Gamemaster Guidance on Locations

Any location mods, including negative ones, can be used to flesh out whatever location you’re using as a set in your game.  As the gamemaster, there are no hard & fast rules that govern how to make a location.  Instead of rules, we provide this guidance:

  • Know your locations’ history
    • What was the original purpose of the location when it was built?
      • Is it a fortress?  A garden?  A home?
    • What major events happened near or in the location that have potentially changed the location?
      • A battle, causing a fortress to suffer major damage?
      • A serial killers’ lair, causing it to become hollow?
      • A mad wizard’s laboratory, causing it to become haunted?
      • A religious group used it as a monastery, causing it to become a place of power?
    • How is the location being used now?
      • Often, this question will be left a mystery until the player characters have investigated it, but the GM should know the answer.
      • Do local people use it? Or do they shun it?
  • Use prudence when creating a location.  Not every location needs the maximum rating of each mod applied to it.
    • Player characters are famous for capturing places.
      • Don’t give your player characters a mobile location until you’ve thought through how vastly it will change your game.
      • Note how the player characters go about capturing a location.  It is very likely that some of their actions will damage the existing location mods, such that they no longer function without extensive repairs.